Hartă Clasament

Fightfull Muffin

Fightfull Muffin
Inamici învinşi: 43.765 (405.)
Trib: MnT!

Sate (5) Coordonate Puncte
Apple Muffin
483|539 8.970
Banana Muffin
482|539 7.169
Cinnabon Muffin
480|538 3.273
454|555 3.075
454|557 2.477
Text personal
Welcome to the world, everybody, I'ma paint you black and white
I'ma make you hate each other so that everyone will fight
I'ma give you all religion, let the righteous find the light
But I will also give you science to oppose the Word of Christ
And I'ma give you borders, they're imaginary lines
If you cross them, go to war and win when everybody dies
And I'ma give you money that you'll value more than life
And let the one percent have everything while you fight to survive
And then I'll give you politics, I'll call it left and right
And while you divide yourselves, I will conquer both the sides
Can't you see? I'm the system, my whole purpose is divide
What you choose will never matter because everything is mine

Realizări de victorie
Maestru al vitezei

Ai câștigat 1 rundă de viteză.

Tribul câștigător

Ai învins pe Lumea 93 cu tribul tău Maybe NexT Time.

Realizări în alte lumi
Lumea 104